Five Star Heating & Cooling Group

Top Benefits of A/C Maintenance

Top Benefits of A/C Maintenance

Dec 29, 2020 | Cooling, Air Conditioning


If an A/C unit is regularly maintained by a pro, it won’t merely save you money and run a lot smoother. It will also make your home far more comfortable. Moreover, you won’t be bothered by loud noises from malfunctioning equipment that’s distracting you as you are trying to relax. Because of things like these, studies show a better running AC which provides cool air with ease can help us sleep better at night. As such, your air conditioner has a big impact on your home’s overall comfort level.


Let’s be honest, who isn’t looking for ways to reduce their monthly energy bills? Because your air conditioner has a major impact on your home’s energy efficiency, making sure it’s up to par to perform as it should is essential. This is where maintenance comes in. Although maintenance might cost a little up front, the back end savings are well worth it. When you get your AC serviced by an HVAC professional, they’ll ensure your air filter isn’t dirty, your ducts aren’t leaking, and your motor is operating properly. All of this will help to ease your energy bills while you stay cool.


On average, air conditioners usually have a useful lifespan of around 15 to 20 years when they are regularly serviced. However, when they are not consistently maintained, they start to develop wear and tear and they eventually break down, resulting in costly repairs or even requiring complete replacement. This is partly due to the fact that your system will overwork itself trying to keep up with demands while compensating for any issues it’s dealing with. So even though the expected lifespan might be 20 years, this number can and has been extended by customers who have seasonal maintenance performed consistently. They utilize this service to catch problems before they escalate into permanent damage.


A sometimes overlooked or ignored, although nonetheless essential part of a home’s comfort levels is the quality of the air inside. Dirty air filters cause a home to be filled with particles, pollutants, and allergens that can make you miserable and sick. Air conditioner maintenance will keep your indoor air quality clean and fresh. Consider a HEPA air filter to make the air quality in your house as clean and healthy as possible. Depending on your system, air filters should be replaced or cleaned every month to every three months.


During the summertime, it’s a horrible situation any time a homeowner’s air conditioner grinds to a halt in the middle of a hot day. Regular air conditioner maintenance makes sure our AC units are going to work throughout the summer so we can stay cool and enjoy our day. Don’t risk having to replace your air conditioner by ignoring maintenance.

Looking to improve your AC’s performance? Schedule preventative maintenance services with us at Five Star Heating & Cooling Group! Give us a call today at (614) 490-7550.