Five Star Heating & Cooling Group

What Is the History of the Modern Furnace?

What Is the History of the Modern Furnace?

Mar 11, 2022 | Blog, Columbus, Furnace, Heating, HVAC, OH, Ohio, Winter

Today our heating experts at Five Star Heating & Cooling Group take us through the history of the modern furnace. Since the beginning of time, staying warm has always been means for human survival. So let’s dive right into it and discover how we achieved the optimal comfort we come home to daily. 

Who Invented the Radiator? 

When the Romans needed a way to keep warm, the first concept of the radiator was invented and was called the hypocaust. The hypocaust helped heat areas through hollow spaces in the floor where heat passed through to warm up certain areas of the home. Later in 1855, the first modern radiator was developed by Frans San Galli. Because of this amazing discovery, Dave Lennox wanted to improve home heating by furthering the development of Galli’s creation by creating a coal-burning cast iron radiator. To provide heat at the time, these pieces of equipment were placed in basements of homes and would send heat up to warm up rooms above. 

Who Discovered Electric Heat?

“The Father of the Electrical Heating Industry,” otherwise known as Albert Marsh, made a huge breakthrough when developing electric heat. In 1905, the metallurgist discovered that certain metals contained chrome which would pave the way for Marsh to create a heating element that was way stronger than other heating equipment designed at that time. The invention of electric heat allowed electrical currents to cross through the heating element, which turned electricity into heat and is still used today on furnaces. 

Who Developed the Central Heating System? 

A massive game-changer for home heating was the development of the first central heating system in 1919, made by Alice Parker. Because of this discovery, heated air could now be regulated and equally distributed throughout the home. 

When Was Distributed Forced Air Created? 

Because of the groundwork put in place through Parker’s invention, the first distributed forced air furnace was invented and brought to the market in 1935. This piece of equipment worked by taking heat from the furnace and distributing it using ductwork to transfer warm air to different rooms through air registers in each room. Be that as it may, there were some defects to this home heating solution. When heated air would push up from the basement, gravity would push it back down to the furnace, causing it to short cycle and restart the home heating process. 

What Are Modern-Day Furnaces Like?

With the problem of gravity-fed furnaces being an insufficient heating solution, the issue was repaired by using motor-driven fans. The motor-driven fan pushed forced heated air through smaller ductwork, helping it transfer more efficiently to all rooms of the home. As a result, temperatures were regulated, and the heat was distributed more effectively than using gravity-fed systems. 

From how far we have come with home heating, it is fascinating to see how we got to the optimal home comfort we have today! If it weren’t for advancements in technology, we definitely wouldn’t be where we are today with our cozy homes. Fortunately, homeowners can now reside in a comfortable and safe area where there is no need to worry about starting a fire or switching on the radiator to keep warm. Our heating experts at Five Star Heating & Cooling Group never want anyone to go a night without optimal home comfort, and that is why we offer services 24/7, even on holidays and weekends. So whether your furnace needs a tune-up or you need a complete replacement, we have you covered. Just give us a call at (614) 490-7550, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!