Five Star Heating & Cooling Group

Why Is My AC Freezing Up? 

Why Is My AC Freezing Up? 

Jun 1, 2024 | AC, Air Conditioner, Air Filters, Airflow, Freezing, Frozen, Leak, Refrigerant, Temperature, Thermostat, Vents

If your air conditioner is freezing up, you might be left scratching your head, wondering how on earth this happened. How does an AC unit freeze in the heat? While we know how it sounds confusing, there could be several reasons why your system is icing up. So, go ahead and join your Five Star Heating & Cooling Group experts as we explore the common causes behind a frozen AC and walk you through the troubleshooting steps to fix a frozen air conditioner. 

Step 1: Don’t Panic  

Before we dive in, we just want to reassure you that everything is okay. We can figure this out together. And remember, your Five Star Heating & Cooling Group family is here to support you and help if needed! So, stay calm, and let’s tackle this together. 

Step 2: Start Troubleshooting   

Insufficient Airflow   

Issue: Reduced airflow can make your AC freeze if it can’t work properly. Remember, clogged air filters or closed vents can block airflow. When this happens, it causes the cool air to build up and the AC’s refrigerant to condense on the coils. 

Solution: Regularly check your air filters and replace them if needed while troubleshooting. Also, make sure all vents in your home are open and free from any obstructions that could block airflow. 

Take Note: We suggest changing your air filters every 1-3 months, depending on the type of filter you’re using. 

Incorrect Thermostat Settings   

Issue: It’s possible your thermostat is set too low. If your home’s temperature is too low, your air conditioner might struggle to keep up with the continuous cycle of really low temps. 

Solution: Turn up your thermostat a bit. Also, think about getting a smart thermostat (if you don’t already have one) to easily manage your home’s temperature and take some load off your air conditioner. With a smart thermostat, you can set your preferred cool temperature for the week, so your home is comfortable and ready for you to relax when you get back each day. It can help to eliminate the urge for you to set your AC temperature super low, by already having your home waiting for you at a comfortable level. 

Imbalanced Refrigerant Levels   

Issue: If your AC has imbalanced refrigerant levels, it can freeze up. Basically, if the coolant isn’t at the right level, it can make the evaporator too cold, causing moisture to freeze and ice to build up. 

Solution: It’s a good idea to let a professional deal with refrigerant issues. A licensed HVAC tech has the right tools to safely check and manage your AC’s refrigerant levels. So, give us a call if you think there is a refrigerant problem. 

Signs of refrigerant issues can include:  

  • Bubbly or hissing sounds when the AC is off  
  • The AC is not blowing cool air   
  • Ice on the refrigerant lines   

Step 3: Defrost Your Unit   

Once you’ve spotted the ice on your unit, you can take steps to get your AC working again. But first, let the ice thaw. 

To defrost your AC properly:  

  1. Turn off your air conditioner at the thermostat. 
  1. Switch your fan setting from ‘auto’ to ‘on’ to kick off the defrosting process. 
  1. Keep an eye on the melting ice. If there’s a lot of ice, make sure the melted water won’t cause any water damage. 
  1. Be patient. Thawing can take a few hours to a whole day, depending on how much ice there is. 

Step 4: Consult a Professional   

If you can’t figure out why it’s freezing up, if there’s a refrigerant problem, or if this keeps happening, it’s time to call a licensed HVAC pro. Ignoring this issue could stress your AC unit and lead to unnecessary damage. So, it’s definitely not something you want to delay. 

We’re here with 24/7 emergency services to keep you and your home cool. Call Five Star Heating & Cooling Group today at (614) 490-7550, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here